MP Trans is a transport company in which we believe in such values as hard work, high quality of our services, customer satisfaction and constant pursuit of excellence. MP Trans is based on shaping the balance between society, economy and natural resources. While ensuring constant economic progress, we endeavour to address the needs of the modern society without forgetting the needs of the future generations.

The MP Trans is designed to provide the fastest, safest, and highest quality transportation services, while delivering the goods at a place and time convenient for the recipient. Thanks to our experience, our own car fleet and extensive network of contacts, we are able to provide our customers with comprehensive road transport services. From economic solutions based on consolidation lines to dedicated solutions for critical transport.

Care for the environment manifests itself at every stage of the implementation of the projects of MP Trans – from purchasing, auditing of suppliers and contractors, to the implementation of innovative, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. We believe that our attention to environmental aspects has a direct impact on both the economic efficiency of the Company and the economic development of the country.

Environmental protection is an important issue that cannot be considered separately from the work of the whole Company. Environmental policy is one of its priorities. The current unfavourable state of the fauna is largely due to inefficient use of natural resources. This is a result of inconsistent environmental policy, ignoring adopted environmental laws and programmes, underestimating the importance of activities aimed at protecting the environment, which in turn deteriorates human living conditions. Improvement of human living conditions achievable by obtaining economic profit and remaining in harmony with the natural environment is the aim of the environmental policy of MP Trans. Caring for the environment is a moral obligation towards future generations.

Transport Company MP Trans pursues a well-thought-out ecological and economic policy, which combines the objectives of the Company’s development and rational implementation of environmental activities, protection of resources and introduction of environmental management.

At MP Trans, we respect national and EU laws and implement procedures and methods of conduct that are necessary for consistent management in accordance with environmental protection principles.

We put all our efforts to ensure that all employees know and respect the Company’s environmental policy and are aware that they too are responsible for its effective implementation. Promoting pro-ecological principles among employees creates an additional opportunity to transfer them into private life and further spread the idea of pro-ecological perception of the world. For MP Trans it is an unquestionable proof of the validity and economic usefulness of the implemented organisational solutions.

In MP Trans we are aware that being environment-friendly has also other benefits: social approval of the Company’s activities, improving the Company’s reputation among customers and increasing its credibility among its partners, employee motivation, minimising company costs (e.g. by reducing the amount of generated waste and the cost of its disposal, reducing pollution, etc.), tightening of environmental standards, increasing work safety in the Company, creating new products and technologies, and even new markets based on environmentally friendly processes.

The environmental policy in MP Trans is implemented through:

  • reduction of vehicle exhaust emissions, such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide and other gases during transport;
  • noise reduction, which is formed during the use of road transport for cargo transport;
  • involvement of modern car fleet in transport – the standard must correspond to the level not lower than Euro-5. The introduction of the Euro-6 standard
    is undoubtedly a step forward in minimising the damage caused by transport companies and truck manufacturers;
  • usage of modern ecological fuel, and its saving through ecological driving
    – minimizing the work of a car at idling speed, reducing the amount of consumed fuel;
  • reduction of energy consumption, raw materials and components
    by introducing the use of modern raw materials and components of ecological nature;
  • maintaining vehicles in very good condition;
  • systematic servicing of vehicles;
  • usage of ecological tires that reduce harmful emissions to the atmosphere
    by preventing energy loss when turning the tire, also ensuring low rolling resistance;
  • shortening the time of cargo transportation through rational transport decisions implemented through the introduction of systematic control of the transportation process, preliminary route planning, exclusion of empty vehicle runs;
  • proper preparation of vehicles for the transport of dangerous substances;
  • increasing the Company’s environmental social responsibility;
  • reducing water and energy consumption;
  • reducing the emission of pollutants into the air and water;
  • economic use of by-products and waste and reducing the amount of treated waste,
  • permanent reduction of the negative environmental impact related to the following direct environmental aspects: production of waste paper, municipal waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment, toners and cartridges and hazardous waste in the form of used fluorescent lamps, batteries and parts of electrical and electronic equipment, as well as gas and electricity consumption, water consumption and waste water discharge, threat of serious accidents
    in case of infrastructure failure and gas emissions from boiler rooms and Company cars;
  • scrap segregation;
  • storage of hazardous substances and waste on hardened and roofed areas
    in appropriate containers;
  • transferring waste only to specialized companies for disposal/recovery;
  • application of fire protection (proper arrangement and legalization
    of extinguishers);
  • systematic inspections of the installations (e.g. heating, air conditioning);
  • Company’s compliance with environmental laws in its operations;
  • participation of all Company’s personnel in activities aimed at risk reduction, continuous improvement of environmental activities and environmental management system;
  • active interaction with civil society representatives who have an interest
    in environmental safety;
  • control of the use of natural resources that the Company uses in its daily work, e.g. introduction of energy saving (use of energy-saving light bulbs etc.); use of ecological paper;
  • acting within the framework of the applicable law on the protection of the environment
  • and, where possible, setting higher requirements;
  • assessing, at the decision-making stage, the potential environmental impact of new activities.


 The aim of the policy is to work on the basis of the highest business standards and thus to build an appropriate image of the Company, its sustainable development, and healthy business relations between other companies.

The development of the Company and the welfare of its employees is a matter of utmost interest for the senior management. Therefore, an extremely important aspect in the evolution of the Company is the maintenance of the highest business standards, which prove the professionalism and appropriate approach of the Company and its employees to the issue of ethics in business.

The basic activities of the Company in maintaining a high level of business ethics are:

  • Compliance with national and international laws and regulations.
  • Concern for mutual relations with customers, contractors and public authorities.
  • Preventing corruption and extortion.
  • Respecting the rights of local residents and cooperation with regional organisations and authorities.
  • Education and training as well as motivating employees to perform their duties in an ethical manner.
  • Continuous improvement of the application of Business Ethics Policy.

MP TRANS employees are obliged to present a responsible attitude in the workplace through:

  • Integrity, loyalty and full commitment to professional duties.
  • Compliance with the laws and internal regulations of the Company.
  • Taking care of entrusted assets and maintaining confidentiality and use
    of classified information only in accordance with the interests of the Company.
  • Using the company’s potential only for activities related to the performance of professional duties resulting from the employment relationship – lack of acceptance for reaping private benefits through corruption and other activities contrary to the interest of the Company.
  • Helping new colleagues to adapt to the new workplace and to familiarize themselves with the Company’s rules.
  • Taking actions aimed only at ensuring the good of the Company.


The aim of the policy is to ensure the fair and transparent functioning of the Company, guaranteeing the trust of its partners, avoiding situations that may affect the image of the company and avoiding situations related to corruption. Promote activities aimed at operating under conditions of fair competition and preventing conflicts of interest.  In addition, in connection with the subject matter of the activity, MP TRANS puts appropriate emphasis on compliance with economic sanctions and the ban on exporting goods to embargoed countries.

MP TRANS does not accept any kind of corruption. Corrupt activities infringe free competition, hinder economic development and threaten the image of the company.

The term corruption is understood as a situation were:

“Corruption is to promise, propose, give, demand, demand, accept by any person, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage of a material or non-material nature, personal or to any other person, or to accept a proposal or to promise such advantage in return for acting or omitting to act

in the performance of its duties for MP TRANS Marcin Pitera”

The basic assumptions of anti-corruption policy are:

  • To act within the framework of existing legislation, in a transparent manner. Such actions should be characterised by honesty and fairness.
  • The following activities are strictly prohibited:

– bribery,

– extortion or incitement,

– influence trading,

– legalize revenue generated by corruption.

  • Providing protection for a person reporting suspicion of abuse or refusing
    to participate in bribery by maintaining the confidentiality of information and,
    in particular, personal data of that person.
  • Business meetings and integration events with which MP TRANS supports the processes of concluding, maintaining and developing important business relations are acceptable. The activities listed above must be transparent and not contradict the business ethics policies of our contractors.
  • It is allowed to provide MP TRANS contractors with small gifts as an exceptional opportunity. For example, a package with sweets for Christmas or thanks for the year-round cooperation. The maximum number of gifts is one gift per year. Gifts must be handed in an open manner and must not contradict with the contractor anti-corruption policy.
  • Acceptance of a gift or invitation to a business meeting outside the Company by an MP TRANS employee is possible only after reporting the above fact to the immediate superior or, in case of its absence, to the senior management of the Company and obtaining consent to take such action.
  • Due to the area of operation of MP TRANS, it is absolutely forbidden to submit and accept corrupt proposals which, depending on the situation, reduce or increase the freight and divide the difference (profit from corruption) with the person finalizing the transaction on the contractor’s side.

MP TRANS is convinced that fair competition is a key driver of business development and serves to guarantee fair competition conditions for companies operating in the European internal market.

Employees of MP TRANS are obliged to observe the following rules:

  • Never talk to or mention to competitors about any aspect of our pricing policy, sales performance, customers or regions. This also applies to unofficial conversations.
  • Don’t talk about boycotting customers, suppliers or competitors.
  • Do not arrange with competitors to set up tenders, do not arrange with customers or competitors that you will not cooperate with other companies.

Additionally, within the framework of fair competition, MP TRANS company, when undertaking transport tasks, acts on the basis of applicable regulations and does not use the fact of breaking the regulations to gain competitive advantage over other market participants. In particular, this is manifested through:

  • Compliance with and respect for health and safety regulations.
  • Taking care of the payment of social benefits and salaries to employees in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in a given country (this mainly concerns drivers)
  • Having all necessary certificates and insurance policies.
  • Compliance with regulations on the organisation and implementation of national and international transport.

The MP TRANS company, acting as a global logistics operator and providing transport services all over the world, is aware that the transport of goods from and to our customers may be subject to export ban restrictions or embargoes.  In compliance with the letter of the law and respecting the provisions of governments and international organisations entitled to impose embargoes, our Company establishes the following principles and rules of conduct:

  • MP TRANS employees are prohibited from knowingly violating export and import restrictions.
  • Their task is to check in the best possible and accessible way that the transport does not violate the above-mentioned regulations.
  • They must pay attention to the object of the transport and, if they suspect that it may belong to the category of dual-use goods, they must obligatorily establish that the transport does not constitute a violation of national and international law.
  • Persons on behalf of MP TRANS who carry out the transport are forbidden
    to conceal any information that may be relevant for the verification of the compliance of the transport with the applicable regulations.


 The policy aims to protect intellectual property rights.

Intellectual property should be understood as “works of the mind”, i.e. above all copyrights, patents, trademarks or company secrets. These also include inventions, works, discoveries and innovations made, obtained or collected by an entity. It is the policy of MP TRANS to respect and consciously not to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. This policy is implemented by:

  • Purchasing of computer software only from official sources.
  • Using the software according to the license terms.
  • Not using the Company’s computer equipment for one’s own purposes and
    in particular not to copy music, films and other content from illegal sources.
  • Preservation by the Company’s employees’ solutions, ideas and innovative actions that are developed during meetings aimed at creating or modernizing MP TRANS IT environment.
  • Protecting the “know-how” of the Company and its partners in the field
    of transport activities.


 The policy objective is to meet the highest financial standards and to act
in accordance with the guidelines of the applicable legislation on corporate financial activities and to contribute to the financial stability of enterprises.

The company pursues its policy on Corporate Financial Responsibility through:

  • Compliance with the regulations concerning the financial aspect of the company’s operations applicable in the country of operation.
  • In particular, this concerns tax rules, accounting rules and rules on the payment of applicable social security contributions for employees.
  • In order to ensure compliance and proper conduct of financial activities, MP TRANS cooperates in the field of bookkeeping only with entities holding country-specific certificates and operating under the applicable regulations.
  • MP TRANS’ senior management strictly prohibits activities that are illegal in the area of the company’s financial activities and that could result in losses for MP TRANS, its employees and partners and governmental organizations.
  • Being a responsible entity and aware of the appropriate level of business activities, MP TRANS puts particular emphasis on the issue of timely and contractual settlement of obligations. This care is aimed at ensuring financial stability for MP TRANS partners, which increases the safety and comfort of running the company.


 The aim of the policy is to safeguard the rights of children and young workers and enable them to develop accordingly.

MP TRANS does not accept the work of children and adolescent worker believing that the future of all of us depends on the education and appropriate shape of a human being in childhood, which makes this period particularly important for the development of each of us.

We believe that all children are entitled to a healthy and happy childhood without being forced to start working if they are not ready for it.

This is reflected in the relevant provisions of the Company’s WORK REGULATIONS.

Under special circumstances and in compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, MP TRANS may allow light work to be carried out by young employees as part of apprenticeship training. The need for such practices is each time reported to MP TRANS by entities and institutions responsible for youth education.

MP TRANS strictly prohibits its subcontractors from using practices that violate children’s rights.


The aim of the policy is to define a clear position of MP TRANS on this issue and to build an appropriate level of awareness among the Company’s employees about forced labour and human trafficking.

Forced labour and human trafficking are contrary to the practices and beliefs of MP TRANS Marcin Pitera. None of the activities that have the characteristics of forced labour and human trafficking are and will be acceptable to MP TRANS its senior management and employees.

To define the concept of forced labour and trafficking in human beings, the definition contained in the Palermo Protocol was used; to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplemented by the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 November 2000.

Article 3, paragraph (a):

“trafficking in persons shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.”

In addition, Article 3(b) states that:

“the consent of a victim of trafficking in human beings to the intended use (…)
is irrelevant if any of the definitions of methods listed in have been used. However, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of a child for the purpose of exploitation shall be considered trafficking in persons, even if it does not include any of the methods referred to in this definition (Article 3 (c).

Acts having the characteristics of the above actions and situations are absolutely forbidden in MP TRANS Marcin Pitera.

Due to the specificity of MP TRANS company’s business, a particular area of interest are problems related to the movement of illegal immigrants. The Company’s drivers are absolutely forbidden to take third parties into the cabin or into the cargo area. They must also pay particular attention when crossing points with a particularly high risk of human smuggling.


The TRANSPORT COMPANY MP TRANS Marcin Pitera is aware of the great importance that users attach to the protection of personal data and their confidential treatment. Therefore, we would like to present here the way we collect and process such information.

TRANSPORT COMPANY MP TRANS Marcin Pitera; Nowa Wieś Grodziska 1A, 59-524 Pielgrzymka; NIP 6941629578 (hereinafter: F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera) informs you that pursuant to Part of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data on the protection of personal data and on the protection of data, prohibitions such as and the protection of personal data (GDPR) – concerns art. 6 sec. 1 point b), c) d) and f) it is the administrator of your personal data provided via our website, by filling in and sending contact forms or by inquiries in the form of a telephone conversation or a telephone call.

This data will be processed by F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera in order to contact you, answer your question, prepare an offer for you for the services we provide. The data will be processed to the extent adequate and necessary for the implementation of the above mentioned purposes.

Collection and use of personal data

Personal data is information that identifies an individual, such as name, e-mail address or postal address. F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera does not collect personal data unless data subjects provide us with their data for a specific purpose (e.g. to subscribe to our newsletter, ask a question or request an offer, take part in a survey, contest or lottery, order brochures or request some information) and consent to their use.

We store, use or transfer personal data only with the consent of the data subject and only to the extent, in terms of content and time, required in a particular case, e.g. to answer questions or respond to concerns expressed, to fulfil a request or to notify interested individuals of the results of a contest or lottery. F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera guarantees that it will not sell or disclose personal data to any third parties. However, we may be required to provide information about users of our website by virtue of law or as a consequence of enforceable orders from government bodies.

Use of personal data for advertising and marketing purposes

If a data subject explicitly consents to the use of his/her personal data for advertising or marketing purposes, his/her personal data will also be stored and used continuously for such purposes, e.g. to send out newsletters, invitations to participate in contests or lotteries, by e-mail, post or any other communication channel accepted by the data subject. We may use the personal data of a person to create and maintain a user profile which enables us to offer customised advertising and promotions. We may also use the information provided to us to analyse and improve our online services, advertising, marketing, market research and sales activities.

Withdrawal of consent

The consent to the use of personal data may be withdrawn in whole or in part at any time with future effect. Personal data will be deleted as soon as the consent
is withdrawn. Please send your declaration of withdrawal to us at the following address:

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera; ul. Staroszkolna 12; 59-700 Bolesławiec

Right to information

Upon request, we will immediately inform the data subject about the type of personal data collected (if any) during his/her visits to our website. Any inquiries regarding this matter should preferably be sent to:

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera; ul. Staroszkolna 12; 59-700 Bolesławiec

Data security

We have implemented technical and organisational measures to protect the user’s data against loss, modification, theft or access by unauthorised third parties.

Changes and updates

We reserve the right to change or update any part of this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to the users. Please check this information regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes or updates to this statement. This Privacy Policy is always accompanied by the relevant effective date.

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera reserves the right to introduce changes to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all persons visiting our website.

Personal data

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera never, under any circumstances, shares contact details of the users with third parties.


Some sections of the F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera website may use cookies, i.e. small text files sent to the visitor’s computer to identify the visitor in a way necessary
to simplify and speed up the website’s operation (e.g. by storing previously opened websites and faster reloading of them). Cookies are harmless to your computer as well as to the user and his/her data. Each user can disable cookies in the settings
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Google Analytics

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on the user’s computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website (including IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required to do so by law, or if such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf.

Google will not associate the user’s IP address with any other data stored. The use of cookies may be disabled by selecting the appropriate settings on the browser, however it should be noted that in this case the full functionality of this website may not be possible. By using this website, the user consents to the processing of personal data by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.


The F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera website features an integrated plugin of Facebook social network. The Facebook plugin is located under the “Like” button on our website. The list of plugins on Facebook can be found here.

When you visit our website, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established via the plugin. This enables Facebook to receive information that you have visited our site from your IP address. If you click on the “Like” button while you are logged in to your Facebook account, the content of our website can be linked to your profile. For more information, please see Facebook’s privacy policy.

If you do not want Facebook to associate your visit to our site with your Facebook account, please log out of your Facebook account.

Disclaimer of liability

F.T. MP TRANS Marcin Pitera does not take responsibility for the content of opinions, comments of private persons and companies given on our websites.

Policy on freedom of association and collective bargaining

Firma Transportowa MP TRANS Marcin Pitera respects the rights of employees to form, join or not join trade unions or other organizations chosen by them and to bargain collectively regarding their common interests, in a safe and free from repressive actions, such as intimidation, harassment or termination of employment . If there are no legally recognized trade unions in the place of business, or if only government-approved organizations are allowed, MP Trans is committed to favoring initiatives to implement alternative ways of representing employee demands and interests.

Policy on counteracting discrimination, sexual harassment, mobbing and retaliation

Firma Transportowa MP TRANS Marcin Pitera aims to create and maintain a working environment,where people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. The environment of the company should be characterized by mutual trust and the absence of intimidation, oppression and exploitation.

Firma Transportowa MP TRANS Marcin Pitera will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or any type of harassment. By enforcing this policy and educating employees, MP TRANS will strive to prevent, correct and discipline behavior that violates these principles.
All employees, irrespective of their position, are bound by this policy and are expected to abide by it and to take appropriate measures to prevent prohibited behavior from occurring. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who violates these policies.
Managers and supervisors who knowingly allow or tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, including failure to promptly report such misconduct to Human Resources (HR) and top management, are violating this policy and may be held accountable.

According to the policy in force in MP TRANS, activities with the following features are prohibited:

– Mobbing

– Sexual harassment

– Discrimination

– Retaliation


Pursuant to Art. 94 § 2

Mobbing means actions or behaviors concerning an employee or directed against an employee, consisting in persistent and long-term harassment or intimidation of an employee, causing him to underestimate his professional suitability, causing or aimed at humiliating or ridiculing the employee, isolating him or eliminating him from the team of colleagues.

In other words, mobbing is deliberate, persistent psychological harassment of an employee verbally or non-verbally by a supervisor or a co-worker, or even a larger number of people or the entire organization (persons managing it). As a consequence of such behavior, the employee is in a bad mental state manifested by lowered self-esteem, a sense of isolation, and even anxiety states.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment that constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex is “any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or relating to the sex of an employee with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of an employee, in particular creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for him; this behavior may consist of physical, verbal or non-verbal elements ”(Article 183a §6 point 2 of the Labor Code).

According to the definition, sexual harassment may include not only unwanted physical contact, unwanted touch, “touching”, but also, among others:

  • insistent glances,
  • “jokes” with erotic undertones,
  • comments on the appearance and clothing,
  • ambiguous gestures,
  • sexual offers,
  • erotic allusions,
  • gender-specific comments about giftedness or lack thereof;
  • posting photos or posters depicting female or male nudes in common workplaces (office rooms, production halls).


It is a situation in which a person is treated less favorably than another person in a comparable situation because of their sex, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, religion, belief, disability, age or sexual orientation


Pursuant to Art. 18 § 1 of the Labor Code, the use by an employee of the rights due to violation of the principle of equal treatment in employment may not be the basis for unfavorable treatment of the employee, and may not cause any negative consequences for him (e.g. termination of employment by the employer or its termination without termination). This provision statutes the so-called prohibition of retaliation, which was introduced into the Polish legal system as a result of the implementation of the provisions of European Union Directives 2000/78 / EC and 2000/43 / EC.

This rule also applies to people who have provided any form of support to an employee / employee exercising their rights due to violation of the principle of equal treatment in employment.

Retaliation protected activities include:

  • submitting complaints
  • conducting proceedings related to discrimination
  • providing support and assisting other people in bringing complaints or instituting proceedings.

As a partner of Volkswagen, aware of the requirements set for our company and our subcontractors, we would like to inform you that the Code of Conduct for Volkswagen Business Partners is consistent with our regulations and policies. We absolutely require our suppliers and subcontractors to act in line with the guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct for Volkswagen Business Partners.

Please read the Volkswagen Code of Conduct for Business Partners, links to which you can find below: